Ever had the situation in business that you just couldn’t see what the right way was, or what the right decision should be? Too much or too little information, too many distractions or the inability to even take the first step in making something happen.
Maybe you have tried everything that you know, read books, asked close friends or even resorted to google, but you are still stuck and struggling to move forward.
This is just one of the many situations where an Executive Coach can really make a difference, but what on earth do they do? Are they business experts, psychologists, psychiatrists, consultants, therapists or just another management fad?
Well to explain let’s take a look at one definition of Executive coaching:
“The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another”
A traditional coach, say in the sporting world would ‘train’ the sportsman in the ‘correct’ technique by a process of breaking down the skills and repeating it over and over until improvement occurred.
This only works to a certain degree as ‘telling’ and ‘showing’ does not fully engage the power of the learners knowledge, ability and potential.
Executive coaching works by a powerful partnership between the coach and the coachee where the coach uses various tools and techniques to raise awareness and reduce or remove the ‘interferences’ that all of us experience, therefore allowing their full potential to be exercised and resulting in better performance, not just at work but in life overall.
Interferences can include lack of confidence, fear of failure, problem orientation and a myriad of other ‘blockers’ that get in the way – in essence the normal ‘stuff’ that occupies our minds and restricts achievement (and happiness!)
Another way of considering an Executive Coach is: “You know the answer, I’ll help you find it”
Executive coaching isn’t for everyone and it really depends on the chemistry between the two parties however more and more organisations are realising the power that it brings to improving performance in the workplace and the long-term motivation, retention and engagement it brings to their people.
For a free initial discussion to explore how Executive Coaching can support your business and personal goals get in touch!
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